The Vision and Mission of

Tamerlaine Farm Animal Sanctuary, in their own words: 


Our vision extends well beyond the scope of the organization and, indeed, speaks to a fundamental global turnabout in the ways animals are treated, while asserting that the redemptive effects of embracing animals will carry over into human society:

A world that is compassionate toward all beings, especially the most vulnerable among us.


CARING for abused and neglected animals:  At Tamerlaine, hundreds of animals - hens, roosters, pigs, goats, ducks, rabbits, turkeys, cows and horses whose lives were formerly marred by the misery of exploitation, receive exactly what they deserve:  the highest-quality care and medical attention amidst a bucolic habitat.

EDUCATING about animal welfare and veganism:  Tamerlaine is a hub for humane education, at which visitors and volunteers gain intimate insight into the magic of animal life and the horrors of factory farming while  becoming acquainted with the animal rights and vegan movements.  Our educational offerings also take place in schools, at public events and via the Internet.

ADVOCATING for a compassionate society:  Tamerlaine is committed to making a profound contribution to a society in which all animals are treated with kindness and respect.  As such, we express ourselves as activists in activities designed to influence public opinion and public policy toward these ends.

The Idea is simple:

Most people, if given the choice, would choose to avoid causing others unnecessary harm. Yet, from an early age most of us are kept in the dark about the harm humans cause other animals and we're taught to see them as existing not for their own reasons, but as here for us to use as we see fit. The consequences of this are felt by the literal tens of billions of animals who are used each year in entertainment, in animal testing, for clothing, and—by the greatest numbers—for consumption. Each of these animals is someone and equally as afraid of death and eager for life as you are and I am.

And each of us can do something:

We know that humans can have fully nutritious and delicious diets without consuming animal flesh, animal milks, eggs, or other animal products. In fact, top organizations keep coming out with research and statements in support of fully plant-based diets. There are also tons of products—from shampoos and makeup to winter coats and dress shoes—made without animal use or ingredients. Although none of us can lead a life fully void of harm, and structural obstacles abound, we can all begin to shift the way we view and treat other animals and make strides toward a less violent world. As the Australian sanctuary Edgar's Mission puts so well, "If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others... why wouldn't we?"

So that's where we come in:

Because so many of us have had minimal interactions with farmed species—and when we have it has largely been in stressful settings where they are rightfully afraid of humans—Tamerlaine wants to give people the opportunity to get to know farmed animals as the individuals they each are. As a sanctuary, we can only ever rescue a drop in the bucket from the billions exploited and killed, but we can provide the individuals we rescue the best possible lives and help tell their stories to inspire change and help those still suffering. And so we rescue and rehabilitate, provide lifelong care, and seek to educate the public about these issues to create a more compassionate world.

The NEW Tamerlaine Farm Animal Sanctuary is 323 acres of stunning farmland in Montague, NJ. Please contact Tamerlaine to plan a visit! And your support is needed more than ever to upgrade and build out this land to create sanctuary for hundreds of rescued animals; please donate today or contact for more information on naming opportunities, creation of funds for humane education, the new animal hospital, and countless other collaborations available to expand the work of this incomparable organization.